
Benefits of drinking fresh juice!


The best way to feel better, look better and have more energy is juicing!

A valuable addition to an already healthy diet would be juicing raw vegetables and fruits.

Simple can be better, and juice is as simple as it gets

You may have heard about all manner of strange juicing diets and cleanses, but if you’re looking for a healthier way, start sipping some homemade juice.

We can buy juice in bottles, cartons, and cans which mentions containing impressive vitamin and mineral content but even with fancy nutrition labels, the fresh homemade juice is better than the one from a store. Also, you get the liberty to add your favorite flavors personalizing it and making it tastier too!

You can juice fruits and vegetables at home by mix and match almost any kind of produce. Also if you’re much lazy to peel off the skin of a particular fruit, you can add it as it is in the juice, which also ups the nutritional factor! Score one for laziness!

To be honest, many celebrities rely on juicing for weight loss or better health, but it doesn’t work that way. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will always be better but a balanced and healthy diet and plenty of whole fruits and vegetables, sticking to homemade juice can be beneficial- especially for the ones who are just trying to eat healthier.

So let’s check some quick benefits of fresh juices:

Blended Juices Deliver Fiber

Using a high-speed blender will retain most of the fiber from the raw food ingredients. Blended juices provide a slow release of nutrients into our bloodstream can help us feel full for a longer time due to the fiber content.  This may assist with your weight loss plans, also, reducing the intake of calories you eat overall. It can also help you manage your blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes that can affect your mood and energy.

Juice Helps With Digestion

If you’re having a problem with digestion and you’re trying to improve it, drinking juice may help. As juices are easier for our bodies to digest than whole fruits, we’re more likely to get the nutrients we need to help us have a better digestion system.  Also, our bodies use energy to convert the foods we eat into liquids to be absorbed and when we drink juice, our body essentially skips this step and leads to saving energy.

Heal and Detoxify

Juicing is one of the best and quickest ways to heal and detoxify the body. We all know the major benefits of getting enough fruits and veggies into our diet daily, but juicing makes this even easier and more convenient.  Fresh juices are loaded with enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that are easily digestible and quickly absorbed. Many people have even healed diseases with juicing besides giving us more energy, detoxifying our body and increasing recovery from an illness.

More Nutritious Than That Store-Bought Stuff

Fresh juice contains more vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional compounds like enzymes than the canned or bottled options we find in grocery stores. Store-bought juices also often have added sugar – (an ingredient the World Health Organizations says we should be reducing.) Fresh juice not only contains a greater nutritional value, it contains life! Fresh pressed juice is like drinking a natural vitamin filled with living enzymes, essential minerals, antioxidants, and natural antibiotics, which are vital for optimal health. Bottled juices are pasteurized which means they are heated and processed, which can kill vitamins and minerals.

It Can Help With Weight Loss

When people start following a liquid diet they get really excited because the body starts releasing weight. They’re often thrilled at the initial weight loss and as time goes on they begin seeing more benefits like the immunity strengthens, the digestion system improves, hormones get balanced and the body becomes lesser prone to diseases and chronic illness. Also lesser allergies!

Liquid diets are also known as “Juice Fasting” or “Juice Feasting” and are more popular today than ever. If a person with average health follows a 3 to 7-day juice feast combined with healthy routine including gym exercise or running, may gladly report a 7 to 9-pound weight release. Overall fresh juice fasting and detoxification can be a great way to release weight as well as toxins and naturally make the body healthier.

You can start by drinking a glass of fresh juice every morning to see the difference.

So these were the common health benefits of drinking fresh juice! There are also some beauty benefits of fresh juices –

Promotes Hair Growth

It has been said that spinach, beetroots, carrots, and onions are good choices for promoting the growth of hair. All you have to do is juice them and drink them to get beautiful hair!

Keeps Acne and Pimples at Bay

For good skin pumpkins, broccoli and sweet potatoes and carrots are said to be beneficial.

Also, drinking the fresh juice of oranges is beneficial as it contains anti-oxidants and Vitamin C which will help to keep pimples and acne at bay.

Glowing Skin

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit juice for skin adds glow and makes skin healthy. Best ones are fresh juices of tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, and radishes to get glowing skin.

So, overall fresh juices have a plethora of benefits for you, pick your favorite fruits and veggies and blend or juice them and enjoy the benefits

Here, I’m sharing one of my favorite juice recipes:

Pomegranate is one of the oldest fruits in recorded history. Inside the fruit, there is a multitude of seed pips yielding a tangy, sweet, rich, and flavourful juice which becomes a pain to peel. The best way to have pomegranates is by juicing them.

So you need

  • 1 cup mixed berries (such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries any)
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate pips
  • 1 apple or ripe pear, cut into wedges

Juice the berries, then the pomegranate pips. Flush through with the apple. And you’ll have a healthy juice ready, also much tastier!








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